Sunday, March 13, 2011

Assignment 10: Class highlights

1. I had a deep understanding after discussing Ch.2 in class. One question that has bothered me for a long time is “How does mass media affect the society?” I am wondering whether it affects us, or we affect it. I agree with the quote in p.40 of textbook which is “There really is no general, simple answer to the question of how media affect behavior. The best answer is usually ‘It depends.’” The theories I learned in this chapter help me to understand the logical question, “What does it depend on?” Both societies and individuals will affect by the media according to those theories. Sometimes, it affects quite a lot though.

2. After discussing Ch.6 in class, I knew more about movie making. I knew it is hard to produce a movie successfully, so I really admire those who make a good movie, especially those who won the Academy Awards. They deserved the glories. Also, the moving rating system is impressed. I didn’t know a lot until I watched “This Flim Is Not Yet Rated” in class. I believe all of our classmates knew more about that after watching this.

3. As I would like to choose public relations (PR) as my concentration. I am happy that we had discussed the chapter of public relations (Ch.12) in class. I figured out the difference between PR and advertisements after watching the power point professor Grobman showed in class, and I can identify them now. I realized that some promotions are made by PR but not the advertisement department, for example, some mailing circulars with the name on the front. I have received this kind of mails before as well, but I thought they are made by the advertisement department of that company. And I think it is a really good way to promote.

I have learned a lot in this JOUR 2 class, and I hope we, all our classmates, did as well. I hope all of us can enjoy the TV production project in the coming Tuesday. Of course, I hope we can have a successful Dating Show!:) This will be a good experience. 
Last but not least, thank you so much Professor Grobman and the TA Sharon!!:)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Assignment 9: Media Ethics/Media Law

United States v. Warshak
Argued in June 16, 2010
Decided in December 14, 2010

Decided as a criminal case by the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit holding that government agents violated the defendant's Fourth Amendment rights by compelling his Internet Service Provider (ISP) to turn over his e-mails without first obtaining a search warrant based on probable cause, it is one of the top four social media law cases in 2010. Warshak claimed that the compelled disclosure violated his Fourth Amendment rights. At last, Warshak's sentence was vacated and remanded to the lower court because the court's previous ruling lacked an adequate explanation of losses to justify the sentence. However, the emails were not excluded from evidence because the government agents relied in good faith on the provisions of the Stored Communications Act (SCA).
And Six Circuit has been concluded 1) AFFIRMED Warshak's convictions; 2) AFFIRMED the forfeiture judgments against him, VACATED the 25 year sentence, and REMANDED for resentencing; 3) AFFIRMED Harriet's convictions except those related to money laundering, which were REVERSED; 4) VACATED and REMANDED Harriet's sentence; 5) AFFIRMED proceeds-money forfeiture judgment against Harriet; 6) REVERSED money-laundering forfeiture judgment against Harriet.

The exclusionary rule, improperly obtained evidence cannot be used, is a good principle to protect our right of privacy. It applies to all persons within the United States whether they are citizens, legal or illegal immigrants, or visitors. This can eliminate the power of government. In this case, good faith was used; it is The Supreme Court allows exceptions for errors made by police. I think the good faith provision has both advantages and disadvantages. It is more convenient to cops when they are doing the investigation. But it may violate the privacy act as there are unreasonable search sometimes. Nonetheless, I think the outcome is fair. Warshak’s sentence was vacated and remanded since he really committed a crime, but the evidences were not excluded because of the good faith provision. Constitution is considered to protect us. It can both protect our right to privacy, and maintain the power of police and government.